QCAN: a volunteer-based, apolitical group, established in 2019
The community meeting that sparked a movement
QCAN emerged on 30 October 2019 following a remarkable community meeting in Point Lonsdale where local residents united to discuss their growing concern about the increasing impacts of the world’s climate crisis on our local community and natural environment.
Our concerns are based on scientific evidence that the climate crisis has accelerated and now requires urgent action.
A unanimous motion was passed at the meeting to enable a smaller group of locals to work with the community and the Borough of Queenscliffe to ensure the climate crisis, and its impact on our region, is a strategic priority.
Request Council Declare a Climate Emergency
We needed our local council, The Borough of Queenscliffe, to first declare a climate emergency and commit to developing a response plan in partnership with the community.
Following incredible community support (2145 signatures to a petition, hundreds of people attending a second meeting, countless letters to Councillors), this was achieved at the Council meeting seven weeks later on 19 December 2019.
Develop a Plan
Despite hurdles presented by COVID-19 throughout 2020, the community again came together to develop one of Australia’s most ambitious Climate Emergency Response Plans (our CERP) via the creation of a randomly selected Community Panel, numerous workshops and surveys.
Endorse The Plan
On May 19, 2021 our community rallied again - we filled the Town Hall beyond capacity as Council prepared to endorse the CERP - which they did.
Action The Plan
Since that day, the QCAN Committee has met monthly regarding our implementation of the 49 actions across eight pillars with the Plan.
We are focused on supporting our community to implement the actions within the CERP that they defined, and we spend considerable time sharing our journey with other communities, so they can replicate our success.
As the smallest local government in Victoria, we believe we have a unique chance to become a world leader in responding effectively to the climate crisis. We can overcome the climate emergency if we work together, and we are excited to work with our community and Council to achieve this.